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Leverage March’s Onshore Renewals in Australia—Boost Your Business in Style!

By Nira Santos

Jan 17th, 2023

As March approaches, Australia gears up for a busy season of onshore renewals.

This period presents a golden opportunity to not only ensure your students’ visa renewals go off without a hitch but also to drive additional business through strategic engagement.

We’ve packed this guide with actionable tips to help you maximize onshore renewals and turn them into a powerful growth lever for your agency.

Let’s dive in!

🎯 Key Tips to Maximize Onshore Renewals


1. Prepare Your Edvisor Toolkit

Edvisor is your secret weapon for making the renewal process smooth and efficient.

Start by creating a dedicated pipeline within Edvisor for onshore students who will need visa renewals in March. This allows you to track progress, set reminders, and match students with the best courses and OSHC policies available.

Pro-Tip: If you haven’t already set this up, reach out to your Edvisor account manager to get started on building your onshore student pipeline for next year. Being proactive now will save you time and stress later!

2. Clear Communication is Key

During peak seasons, clear communication can be a game-changer.

Proactively share essential information—like deadlines, required documents, and steps involved in the renewal process—with your students. This not only reduces the back-and-forth but also ensures that your students feel informed and supported.

💡 Time-Saving Idea: Create an FAQ page, PDF guide, or even a series of social media videos to address common questions. This can be a go-to resource for your students, saving you valuable time during the busy renewal period.


3. Optimize Staffing for the Rush

March can be hectic, so make sure you’re adequately staffed to handle the influx of renewals. Consider hiring temporary staff or reallocating resources to ensure you have a dedicated team ready to assist students with their renewals.

4. Leverage the Power of Insurance Sales

Certain times of the year, like the onshore renewal season, offer unique opportunities to boost your insurance sales. Make sure every student renewing their visa also renews their insurance—it’s a win-win for both your business and your students.

How to Do It with Edvisor:
On Edvisor, you have two powerful ways to sell insurance.

  • You can either take full control by selling insurance directly to your students, guiding them to the best policy while earning commissions. This approach allows you to provide personalized advice, ensuring that students get exactly what they need.

  • Alternatively, you can set up a self-service option where students purchase insurance themselves. This model is hands-off for your team but still ensures students get the coverage they need, while you continue to earn commissions.

💡 With Edvisor, you have access to top OSHC options like NIB and Bupa, featuring unbeatable rates.


5. Stay Connected with Your Students

Regular communication is vital for maintaining strong relationships with your students.

Early in the year, reach out to discuss their experiences and future goals. This initial touchpoint can provide valuable insights into their needs and set the stage for further engagement.

Use the data gathered in your first call to tailor your second call.

This is where you can present new course options, such as moving from a B2 to a C1 English course or transitioning into professional training programs. Personalizing your approach will make your students feel valued and understood.

6. Launch a Referral Program

Referrals can be a game-changer during renewal season. Create a referral program that rewards students for bringing in friends or classmates. This could be through discounts, special offers, or even cash incentives.

Pro-Tip: A well-structured referral program not only boosts renewals but also strengthens your relationship with current students. Make sure to promote this program across your website, social media, and through direct communication.


8. Plan a Memorable January Activity

Kickstart the year with a bang by organizing a fun, engaging event for your students. Whether it’s a beach BBQ, a city excursion, or a sports day, creating memorable experiences strengthens student bonds and keeps your agency top of mind.

Event Ideas: Consider a day trip to a national park, a guided tour of a cultural site, or a relaxed beach day with activities like cricket or volleyball. These events can foster community, making students more likely to renew their visas through your agency.


Ready to Boost Your Onshore Renewals?

Here’s your game plan:

  • Maximize Edvisor’s Tools: Use the different Edvisor tools to streamline every step of the renewal process. Not sure how? Reach out to your account manager for guidance.

  • Communicate Clearly: Get ahead of the curve by providing students with all the information they need, minimizing questions and saving valuable time.

  • Leverage Insurance Sales: Make insurance renewals a standard part of the process, whether through direct sales or easy self-service options. Boost your revenue with minimal effort, and if you need help, our insurance sales guide can make you an expert in this area.

  • Create Memorable Experiences: Strengthen your student relationships and make your agency unforgettable with engaging events that set you apart.

With these strategies, you’re not just navigating the onshore renewal season—you’re turning it into a major growth opportunity. Now’s the time to capitalize on March’s renewals and take your agency to the next level. Let’s make this your best season yet!

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