
Don't let junior camps wear you down, save time with these tricks!

By Edvisor

Nov 25th, 2022

Every industry has its peak seasons, and for international student recruitment, those busy times often hit during summer and winter camp seasons. These are the moments when your workload skyrockets, leaving little time to even grab a mid-morning coffee.

While these peak periods can be intense, there are simple strategies to help you streamline your work, eliminate repetitive tasks, and get maximum return for your efforts.

Here are 3 essential tips to save time during these busy seasons so you can focus on what truly matters—building relationships with parents and students while ensuring they feel safe and supported throughout their international study experiences.



Automate Where You Can

One of the best ways to handle the increased workload during peak seasons is by automating as many tasks as possible.

Tools like CRM systems, email marketing and even e-commerce platforms can save you hours by automating processes, communication, follow-ups, and data entry.

Our top pick? 👉 EdCommerce

With EdCommerce, you can create a dedicated landing page specifically for your camp groups.

This page can include everything your students (and their parents) need—from course information to insurance options—allowing them to enroll and purchase everything in one place.

And the best part? Your clients handle everything, while the software processes it all automatically, saving you hours of organization.

Prioritize Your Tasks

During peak seasons, it’s crucial to prioritize your tasks effectively. Start by identifying the most critical tasks that directly impact your business goals and use task management tools to keep track of deadlines and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

By staying organized, you can manage your time more efficiently and reduce the stress that comes with a heavy workload.

Add Insurance and Maximize Every Sale

Managing all the tedious tasks that come with student recruitment—juggling paperwork, answering endless questions from concerned parents, processing enrollments, and ensuring that every student is covered with the necessary insurance—can feel overwhelming.

Since you’re already handling these responsibilities, it’s smart to maximize the return on each sale by including insurance for every student, boosting your insurance sales in the process.

The good news is, this doesn’t require any extra effort.

With our Group Insurance Booking Form, the process is a breeze. Simply fill out a straightforward spreadsheet with your students’ details, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Within 24-48 hours, your insurance requests will be processed, allowing you to stay focused.

Simplify Communication with Parents

Clear communication is key, especially during busy seasons.

Save time by creating a centralized FAQ page on your website or a downloadable PDF guide that answers common questions about the camp experience, required documents, and insurance options.

This proactive approach can reduce the number of repetitive inquiries you receive, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

Pro Tip: Consider hosting a virtual Q&A session for parents ahead of camp season. This not only builds trust but also reduces the volume of last-minute questions.

Take Care of Yourself

Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself during peak seasons. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget to take breaks, but burnout is a real risk when you’re pushing yourself too hard. Schedule short breaks throughout the day, stay hydrated, and make time for meals.

A well-rested and energized you will be far more productive than a stressed-out, exhausted version.

In a nutshell, camp seasons are busy periods where efficiency and excellent service are the keys to success.

At Edvisor, we’re here to help you streamline your workflow with cutting-edge technology.

Whether you’re looking to find junior courses through our program search, create a dedicated EdCommerce page to simplify enrollments, or take advantage of our Group Booking Insurance Form to ensure every student is covered, we’ve got you covered.

Our tools are designed to enhance your efficiency, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional service during these peak times.

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